How Queer is "Frankenstein" and How Frankensteinish is the Orange Dump Era?

 How Queer is "Frankenstein"?

Way more than I knew that's for sure. Best account of Victor's Frankenstein's feelings of repulsion and disgust for his scientific Creation of Life, his "hideous progeny," I've come across. Anyway, another super curious take on Frankenstein, including lots of primary source Mary Shelley biography. (Hoping you can get around the paywall. Sorry.) 

Not as queer maybe but queer nonetheless and, since we're on the subject, another version of "Frankenstein." 

Anyway, Frankenstein is a colossus metaphor in English literature and American cultural history. For instance, the Orange Chump is a glaring Frankenstein creation of the greed-is-good Reagan Revolution and the 1980s. Michael Douglas' big deal maker character, Gordon Gekko, in Wall Street an obvious model. Neoliberalism at its most venal and malevolent and ultimately, when feeling threatened, fascist. All the tax cutting, deregulating, go-go-yuppie prosperity-for-the-super-rich-and-credit-card-debt-austerity for every one else, corporate ruling chickens coming home to roost. American leadership in the world has arguably been waning in the 21st century anyway but if we really want to hasten the apocalypse, sure, more Orange Grump Era violent gun crazy women-hating dying whitemanistan politics. Let's face it, the deaths of despair population (declining lifespans for white people with no college education) that Angus Deaton and Anne Case chronicle in their books makeup a disproportionate number of maga repuglicans. Their backwards cultural hatreds, violent Jim Crow politics makes no one safer, not even them, and should be shunned at the election box by all peace loving and future loving peoples.  

We can do better, we have done better. Okay, my mini rant for today. 

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