The Business World Position on Bidenomics

 J. Bradford DeLong, Economist at Berkeley, prolific blogger, email bombs the "Financial Times" with economic realities (and maybe veiled charges of political cowardice), anyway, making the best mainstream economics case for Bidenomics I've come across. Very wonky, I don't know half of this stuff, but still interesting peak into business world, "Financial Times," taking a position on Bidenomics, basically, and the debate around that position. 

Brad DeLong Grasping Reality

Still, notably, not a peep about the corporate price gouging in recent inflation. 

And, full disclosure, while DeLong is a good source on economic history readings I found Slouching Towards Utopia frustrating. On the one hand, it was a super interesting take on overcoming scarcity in modern economic history; he has this thing for the modern corporation born in the late 19th c. But, on the other, the book was weirdly oblivious to other ongoing corrosive effects of unfettered capitalism like, for instance, climate change. And, most annoying, he includes reference to my favorite economic historian, Karl Polanyi, which I'm always looking for and actually appreciate, but then makes Polanyi a mawkish foil for his own fanboy worship of Hayek and his "collectivist nightmare" as economic's "genius."

Also, should probably be noted that DeLong worked in Clinton admin, second only to Reagan admin, in designing and implementing the macro economic architecture of the Neoliberal corporate order, now significantly, and alarmingly, turning fascist.    

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