Project 2025 vs American History

 "The danger for individuals in their era [late-19th/early-20th Progressive era] was not that the government would crush them, but that industrialists would. In order for the government truly to protect the people, [Teddy] Roosevelt argued, it must regulate businesses and support the ability of ordinary Americans to prosper. A true liberal government, one that protected the rights of individuals, must be big enough and strong enough to act as a referee between workers, consumers, and businessmen." 

How big and strong would that need to be today? Big enough to protect and enforce the democratic order, the rule of law, human rights, women's basic rights, the right to vote, lots of laws they aren't enforcing now, like prosecuting all the Trump era political violence, treason, and insurrection, institutionalizing free and fair elections, National holiday to vote, mail-in voting; big enough to keep the Billionaires and corporations from further impoverishing workers, killing customers with their products, and destroying the planet with carbon emissions. This is precisely how big the government needs to be or what I can come up with on such short notice. 

The Dems won't get us there but they're at least heading in the right direction. Project 2025, by contrast, is racist, ethno-nationalist, free market myth boilerplate; ultimately doomed, nightmarish, doubling-down on cowboy (plantation) capitalism when trying to bend the economy towards sustainable prosperity is obviously an all hands on deck situation that we can do but not with insane dumpster-fire backwards race war morons running stuff. Vote Blue No Matter Who!

Project 2025 vs American History, HCR

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