The Murdochian Takeover of The Washington Post

Rupert Murdoch is a billionaire business magnate and media mogul. He owns hundreds of news outlets, print and TV, first in Australia and New Zealand, and now in UK and the US and all around the world. 

In particular, he owns Fox News, which, so far, has been fined three-quarters of a billion dollars for falsely reporting election interference by Dominion Voting Systems, thereby horrifically bolstering the Big Lie with a conservative audience (who in large numbers still believe this QAnon-like crackpot conspiracy crap). And while, in fact, the Republican candidate himself had already been exposed several times for schemes to cheat the US election system, both in the '20 and 2016. 

Jeff Bezos, another billionaire, and one we might have hoped was reliably hostile to Grump's political corruption (in particular because he has been the target of that corruption in the past), has now hired a team of Murdoch news hacks to revive the supposedly failing Washington Post (lost 77 million last year, sources say).

And is doing so in the final run-up to the 2024 election, when the convicted felon running for POTUS is desperately trying to work conservative elements in the legal system and government and big business, like the Murdochs, to evade being prosecuted for a failed violent coup attempt, cheating the democratic process with fake electors, trying to change vote totals, and for stealing boxes of top secret national security documents, that he likely shares with his murderous dictator friends around the world. For a price, of course.  

Meanwhile, the New York Times has decided to largely ignore Dump's criminality and treason, or downplay it as somehow hopelessly entangled in partisan campaign attacks by Democrats. And the Wall Street Journal, the other national newspaper of record, also owned by Murdoch, fosters the idea that Biden and the Democrats are a greater threat to the economy (for potentially taxing and regulating the rich, presumably) than the convicted felon is a threat to democracy and the rule of law and humanity. And this is not to mention how this corrosive ethno-nationalist bigotry is reinforced and embellished by Sinclair Broadcasting, who owns hundreds of local news outlets around the country. 

You really couldn't make up shit so crazy backwards and upside down. I repeat: Grump's election this fall, should the American electorate prove to be that stupid and doomy self-destructive, will NOT nurture peace and economic prosperity at home and will NOT strengthen US standing in the world. It will hasten US decline and isolation and increase violent conflict. This is so obvious that the Murdochian makeover of WaPo might represent one of the biggest media gaslighting projects in history. Democracy Dies in Darkness, indeed-- greased by Big $ and a bunch of insider trading fueled by idiotic elite panic. 

WaPo CEO Supresses Corrupt Past, NY Times

Beware the Conservative Takeover of WaPo, Press Watch

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