SCOTUS Clears the Way should the Electorate Vote for Fascist Takeover

Unless Congress acts quickly to overturn this obscene 6-3 decision — which won’t happen so long as Republicans control the House — democracy in America has been wounded, perhaps fatally, and the president has been made into a dictator, should he or she choose to behave that way.

When we have a president (Biden) who respects the fundamental law, history, and traditions of America, we’ll be safe — for now. On the other hand, if Trump or any other fascist Republican becomes president, he can pretty much do anything he wants.

The imperial presidency is now officially here, not just rhetorically but in actuality. The six Republicans on the Supreme Court today did massive, perhaps irreparable, violence to our republic.

Rightwing SCOTUS's Imperial Presidency, The Hartmann Report

Translation: To the best of my understanding, I'm just a poor retired school teacher without a degree in law, SCOTUS, 6-3 (meaning: all the authoritarian right wingers, three of them placed there by the  illegitimate POTUS in question, vs three liberals), decided POTUS is immune from all prosecution for "official acts," so now the indictments against Trump for his failed coup attempt go back to the lower court, where they will reportedly take a year or more to decide whether Trump ordering his insurrectionary mob to march to the capital to "fight like hell" to stop the peaceful transfer of power to President Biden on Jan 6, 2021, or arranging his fake elector scheme, were "official acts," by which time the hope is, obviously, the worst candidate for POTUS in American history, already a convicted felon, a massive financial fraudster, rapist, and special friend (think "Manchurian Candidate") to murderous dictators (and known enemies to our national independence) is re-elected and all the prosecutions are dropped before any such legal decisions are made. The fascist corruption in this decision is so blatant it takes one's breath away. 

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