"Trump Chaos Fatigue"

A "personal" account of the Trump rally shooting over the weekend that speaks to feelings my go-to journalistic-historical sources just cannot quite reach. It's not precisely my take but I recognize in it immediately a kindred soul, the familiarly frustrating predicament many of us share, perhaps even a 'silent majority.' We're partially shutdown by the relentless gaslighting mendacity of the Republican assault on democracy and the rule of law, and want, wish for, hope for above all else nothing more than that this Trump national nightmare finally end and we can return to our regularly scheduled-- peace loving, if mundane-- lives. 

Anyway, some choice excerpts to give you the flavor. Find the whole piece at the hyperlink.  

Do you remember what Trump said at CPAC two years ago, about the horrific plot to kidnap the Governor of Michigan that the FBI foiled? He said: “It was a fake deal. Fake. It was a fake deal. Gretchen Whitmer was in less danger than the people sitting in this room right now, it seems to me.”

Donald Trump was in less danger on Saturday night than the people sitting in the stands right then, it seems to me. Two of them are in the hospital. One of them is dead. Trump was on the golf course the next day.

That, too, was a lie [his claim in 2016 that he would stop the "American carnage"]. The carnage did not stop. Trump saw to that personally. And in a second term, as Project 2025 makes clear, it will only get worse. Donald could snap his tiny fingers right now and have the Senate approve one of the gun control bills—but he won’t. He is an arsonist who lives to throw gasoline on fires. And his whoremaster Vladimir Putin would rather we keep shooting each other, because it makes the United States an international embarrassment.

But we were asked on Saturday night to ignore all of this and show sympathy for this monster—to keep him in our own thoughts and prayers—even though he is, as both the head of the Republican party and a recidivist instigator of violence, a primary author of this persistent but preventable American carnage.

On January 6, 2021, remember, Trump “expressed support” for his army of MAGA besiegers hanging his own vice president, Mike Pence. Read that last sentence again, because the media has completely normalized putting a hit out on a VP.

No one has done more to ratchet up the anger and hatred in the United States than Donald Trump—in the 21st century for sure, and probably in my lifetime. He foments violence. He cultivates it. He cheers it. He lusts for blood.

The most irksome part of the rally shooting is that it forced us all to once again pay attention to this bloated orange bag of venom. Like all dictators, Trump demands all of our attention all the time. There is no let-up, no relent. No safe spaces. It is the sick mentality of a serial rapist, which Trump also happens to be.

The rally shooting reminded us of what an unpleasant experience life during the Trump years was. It’s not going to win him the election, as his fanboys have proclaimed. Quite the opposite.

Despite what MAGA might think, we don’t want Trump killed. We just want him to go away and leave us in peace.

Notes on Trump Rally Shooting, By Greg Olear

More on the history of republican violence:

Repubs at RNC use violent rhetoric, won't stop, Popular Information 

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