Corporate Rule Bias in Major Media

Evidence of Corporate Rule Bias at WaPo/NYT all the way down to the local Sinclair news outlets and Chambers of Commerce: recent poll conducted by WaPo found that people trust Trump over Harris on the economy 46% to 37% and inflation 45% to 39%. 

Sorry but that's insane. Trump has filed bankruptcy four times. His economic model is hyping his own Brand and financial fraud. He stiffs workers and was backslapping Musk just last week for breaking up union organizing efforts at Tesla. Sixteen Nobel economists, based on his Project 2025 plans, predict a Trump inflation bomb should he be re-elected. Democratic administrations have beat Republican administrations on jobs, inflation, and growth since WW2 and, even more strikingly, since the 1980s. Bidenomics, despite Republican obstruction, outperforms Trump's term in office by a huge margin, even if you only want to count his pre-pandemic years, and has outperformed nearly any other developed country in the world going through the similar global economic disruptions of Covid-19 and inflation. Prices are frustratingly higher and in as much as they are so because of corporate price gouging Harris promises to do something about that. According to Judd Legum's Popular Information, in 2020 and 2021, "corporate profits accounted for more than 50% of food price increases, whereas they accounted for only 11% of increases in the four decades prior." Meanwhile, price gouging or "sellers inflation" or greedflation, under the Corporate Rule Bias, do not and cannot  exist. 

Corporations or those that are for Trump and the Republicans on economic grounds, despite the avalanche of evidence against their position, are so for a simple reason: Trump will lower their taxes and reduce the regulations they have to contend with, or at minimum Republicans present less risk either will be increased than the Democrats. Some hack economists will tell you these are pro growth measures but, again, the economic record for this approach going back the '80s says mostly otherwise. As it turns out, lowering taxes and reducing regulations on wealth is in fact a recipe for the massive transfer of wealth from the working classes and middle classes to super rich Billionaires and obstructs the ability of government to address climate change or the costs of living or health care, etc. 

People trusting Trump over Harris, Repubs over Dems, on the economy is a collective reflex to keep the boss and our corporate overlords happy, which is precisely the aim of the Corporate Rule Bias in major media. 

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