Why Are These Business Leaders So Dumb?

"Even in the constrained-Trump scenarios business elites like to posit, the calculation they’ve made is extremely stupid, drawn up in a bubble of magical thinking where critical reasoning of any kind is discouraged. They discount the many hazy ways Trump’s fondness for corruption and lawlessness might dampen the country’s wealth-creating potential. How valuable is it to foreign investors that the U.S. has had a relatively robust and stable rule of law. How shaken will they be if Trump pardons the insurrectionists, then further abuses the pardon power to legalize crooked right-wing cronyism?"

Why Are These Business Leaders So Dumb? Brain Buetler Off Message

And this is Buetler bending over backwards trying to make the mild case in a way that won't offend Billionaire's "delicate sensibilities" but will anyway, I'm afraid. Still, singing my song for sure. Supporting Repugs on economics, at this point, just magnifies the narrow-interest myopia of corporate elites and the blind bigotry of dying Whitemanistan. They promote self-dealing rich corruption and hoarding and accelerate the now going on 50 year class war against workers, whatever their ethnicity, and the environment. It's Billionaire economics, blinded to anything but their own bottom line; utterly oblivious to building and sustaining general prosperity and economic opportunity. 

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