"Every 1's A Winner," Hot Chocolate (1978)


"Every 1's a Winner," especially after yesterday's jury verdict: 34 counts, trial by a jury of his "peer" Americans, unanimously concluding former POTUS not above the law, including some juror that gets all their news from Truth Social (wouldn't recommend it): all counts, all GUILTY. Finally, some law and order. Add cheating in the 2016 election to his conviction for rape and financial fraud and NY is doing their part, finally. (After all, they ought to be doing something for launching this sadistic clown Frankenstein of corporate rule and culture war violence on the world.) Besides, there's still his failed coup attempt and stealing top secret documents from the government (that he's likely already traded with his murderous dictator besties around the world?!). How can Grump be a candidate for office with such charges and indictments unresolved!? SCOTUS and the legal system delaying the prosecution of a failed coup attempt and potential treason is a colossal democratic fail and a Constitutional crisis, and yes this will be on the test come this fall. But convicting Cheetolini for his crimes, any of them, trying to keep voters from learning he was bonking prostitutes while his wife was at home with their baby right before the 2016 election, any crimes, are always wins. Face it, the biggest threat to election integrity in America is Trump and his Republican party. Takeaway: "Every 1's a Winner" whenever Trump loses.  

And disco at another cheesy peak. Hot Chocolate. 1978. Actually, they had at least one song on the singles chart in Britain every year between 1970 and 1984. Errol Brown, the leader, was of West Indian ancestry, eventually a Thatcherite conservative, and something of a metrosexual (see video). Obvious influence on Roland Gift and the Fine Young Cannibals in the 1980s. I like "You Sexy Thing" and "Brother Louie" fine, also, but especially go for this one. The swagger in the raunchy fat bass, the fuzzy, buzzy guitar riffing: soul meets Abba-esque Euro rock & roll. In the video the group comes-off like a professional garage band. "Every 1's a Winner, babe, that's no lie, you never fail to satisfy." Culminating with another big female chorus gushing "Satisfy." The goofy sensual charm is winning, or wins me over anyway. 

Also, family resemblance with the Miami disco sound of TK Records; or more disco sounds with West Indian influences, at any rate. Thank God It's Disco Friday. 

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