The Colossal Systemic Failure In The Mar-a-Lago Case

And the Jan 6 case, and fake electors case, and Ukraine extortion case, and Russian collusion case, etc. The failure of the judiciary has generated a constitutional crisis, which I keep saying even though those that know better than I won't.  

From David Kurtz's Morning Memo at Talking Points Memo: 

"It is highly likely that Smith prevails at the appeals court, but that victory will not mask the fundamental systemic and institutional failures to hold Trump to account under the rule of law for his crimes in a timely way that halts Trump’s ongoing threat to national security, gives voters a clear picture of who they’re voting for in November, and bolsters public confidence in the ability of the judicial branch to properly function in a crisis."

Also, see How MAGA Is Already Justifying The Use Of Military Force At Home If Trump Wins:

"In this MAGA fever dream, everyone has their part to play. They believe that they’ll be caught up in it; you might be, too. It goes something like this: If Donald Trump wins in November, people will protest. Riots will break out. The left, they theorize, will go all-out to stoke organized violence around the country, clearing the way for a newly inaugurated Trump administration to step in and make unprecedented, widespread use of the U.S. military to restore law and order."

The bitterest irony of this "fever dream" being if Trump is able to steal another election, after all his obvious and flagrant high crimes and treason against the country, there ought to be the biggest street protests ever. Hopefully, the electorate figures out our collective peril before it comes to this, chooses the better future promised by Harris/Walz and sends Trump to jail and his domestic terrorist minions back to their private militia compounds.

As if to underline my point, More than 200 former Republican staffers endorse Harris

P.S. We don't credit Antifa and the dirtbag left enough for NOT showing up on Jan 6. Part of Tump's sinister coup plotting was counting on it, preparing for Martial law and sicking the military on protesters, which is the ultimate violent revanchist fascist fantasy. 

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