Pro-Worker/Labor Rights vs Anti-Worker/Labor Rights

The Dems don't do enough for workers and labor, true. They signed on to the Republican economic model that has gutted living wage working class jobs over the past two generations, putting up little protest and in a few egregious instances aiding and abetting the class war destruction that has ensued since 1980; namely, Clinton deregulating financial markets and Obama picking Wall Streeters to fix the Great Recession. But Biden/Harris have been the most pro-worker/pro-labor government since Roosevelt. And as is documented in the attached story, only Harris/Walz stand on a record of consistently supporting worker's rights and promoting good jobs and living wages. While, as the record shows, Trump and his Republicans have consistently opposed worker's rights and labor organizing, perpetuating the exploitation of labor that is the bedrock of corporate rule in the neoliberal era. 

Only Harris/Walz Have the Labor Bona Fides, TPM 

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