Sex, Lies, and Trumpworld Are Haters

For his part, Trump says his wandering speech is deliberate. He calls it “the weave.” I’ll talk about, like, nine different things, and they all come back brilliantly together, and it’s like, and friends of mine that are, like, English professors, they say, ‘It's the most brilliant thing I've ever seen.’”

Back when I was doing social media and Grump was launching his meteoric career as a statesman I remember this poster who made it her mission to document Trump's every lie. Before the end of 2017 it was apparent that this would be a daunting task. And by the end of his four years WaPo counted his lie totals at over 30,000 lies. I always figured it would be much easier to count the things he says that are actually more or less true, so another whopper comes as no surprise (part of the reason the media still don't know how to deal with him) but as I've said many a time should we survive the nightmare of the Trump Era the comic gold in this guy's lying mendacity is seemingly bottomless. 

It's like that classic line from George on Seinfeld, "Remember, Jerry, it's not a lie if you believe it." Only here it's not a lie if Trumpworld believes it and if Trumpworld believes it the major media will platform it because to do otherwise would be liberal bias and unfair partisanship, and they all know such critical commentary is frowned upon by their Donor Class publishers. 

And so, alas, here we are. But you have to laugh too. No English professor ever said that. It's like his boast that he's the best thing to ever happen to Black people since Lincoln. Bigots love this stuff. He's storming the Overton window; fighting back against the 'woke mob.' And his chutzpah is so upside-down stupid that you have to chuckle at the audacity of his narcissism. 

That announcement [Trump pandering and flipflopping over abortion rights] has given wings to the Democrats’ messaging about Republicans’ determination to end abortion rights.

The Dems messaging needs a boost on this issue?! For crying out loud, with the Dobb's decision Trump's packed court ended women's reproductive rights. And if that wasn't bad enough his monumental assault on women's rights has unleashed vindictive laws at the state level that persecute and endanger pregnant women. The Dems don't need "wings" on this issue, they need the fucking media to do their jobs and lay out the stakes for women in the election. That's all. 

"The Harris campaign said: “Let’s be clear: Donald Trump is the reason Louisiana women who are suffering from miscarriages or bleeding out after birth can no longer receive the critical care they would have received before Trump overturned Roe. Because of Trump, doctors are scrambling to find solutions to save their patients and are left at the whims of politicians who think they know better. Trump is proud of what he’s done. He brags about it. And if he wins, he will threaten to bring the crisis he created for Louisiana women to all 50 states.”

Boom! What she said. 

Keynes warned us, I will remind you again. Let the capitalists run amok, unfettered, laissez-faire, and they will chisel and lowball workers and labor until their predatory behavior provokes social unrest and reaction. And that reaction is rarely radical leftism, as elite panic fantasizes. Or even workers recognizing Bernie or Warren or AOC as champions, as they should. But those without much education are more likely to line up behind some demagog telling them Jews or immigrants or gays or communists or liberals are threatening their jobs and communities, and urges people to act violently against political enemies and forces for reform.

In short, corporate economic austerity eventually generates bigot pogroms, it should be recognized as a historical rule at this point. Or until the people tire of the conflict and division and support living wages and a fair tax structure on the rich. What corporate rule precisely resists most (or maybe also throw in there getting out of paying for the costs they externalize onto the environment), as should be obvious to all. 

HCR is super good at finding evidence that we are getting there, turning the corner towards progressive populist reforms, but we are not there yet. Vote Blue No Matter, up and down the ballot!!!

Letters from an American Historian

And Yay Isaac Hayes Jr.'s estate for filing a copyright infringement against Trump's use of his music. And, by the way, Hot Buttered Soul, 1969, is a stone cold psychedelic soul classic. If you don't know, check it out, and if you do, enjoy. Can't get enough of it right now: 

And the White Stripes are also stepping up as well. Jack White wrote on Instagram: “Don’t even think about using my music you fascists. Law suit coming from my lawyers about this (to add to your 5 thousand others).” The music machine sues fascists!

We await Taylor's public endorsement of Kamala. Make it big, please. 

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